The listed LKQ was the first in line for Leo de Groot Partscenter XL

Company Name Leo de Groot Partscenter XL
Transaction Sell-side
Website Open
Sector Automotive
Tags Legal, Strategic

Leo de Groot Partscenter XL has been acquired by the listed company LKQ. This acquisition enables the previous owner Michel Chaudron to step back entirely. The current management team and all the employees of the Hillegom-based wholesaler in automotive parts will remain with the company, but continue under the name and brand identity of LKQ Fource.

Being the experienced entrepreneur he is, Michel Chaudron had already prepared his company for the sale process, dealmaker Onno van der Vlugt, who guided the transaction together with Nick de Man, noticed. “About ten years ago, Michel became the 100% owner of Leo de Groot Partscenter XL. He did all he could to make the most of the opportunities to further professionalise the company. We carefully planned the step towards the sale and LKQ’s interest did not surprise us, seeing that the company had been a Full Fource partner for years.”

Strong and experienced management

Leo de Groot Partscenter XL is a household name in the Northern parts of the Netherlands – and rightly so. One thing the automotive company has got absolutely right is its logistic network. Leo de Groot’s couriers drive several fixed routes six times a day to get orders to customers as quickly as possible. “Skill, knowledge, precision and years of experience result in trust from customers”, Onno says. “Their quick service and strong logistic network have led to a large customer base of loyal customers. Moreover, they offer a wide range of products and Michel built a strong and experienced management team.”

“Michel has a good reputation in the automotive industry, and he knows a lot of people. Those things make it fun to work together.”
- Onno van der Vlugt, Marktlink

Daily contact

According to Onno, the professionalism of all parties involved ensured a good and smooth acquisition process. “Michel really is well-known in the automotive industry and he knows a lot of people. Those things make it fun to work together. We were in touch almost daily to discuss a variety of matters. His wife Wendy also played an important role; partly because of her efforts, the due diligence process went smoothly. For us as dealmakers, it is nice to see that both parties achieved this result.”

The acquisition is a logical step for all parties involved. Alex Gelbcke and Johan van der Hoeven, CEO and CCO of LKQ Benelux-France: “This acquisition strengthens our position in South Holland and North Holland. Our next step is integrating the branch in Hillegom into the LKQ network. Michel Chaudron is very confident that he has handed the company to the right party. “Working on success together has always motivated us. The skills, knowledge, precision and machinery remain, but under the name and flag of LKQ Fource.”

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